Category Archives: Book Reviews

Book Review: Then Sings My Soul

A few months back, Booksneeze gave me the privilege of getting this great book to review.  This book is the 3rd book in a set that takes particular “spiritual” songs and tells you a little about the back story of them.  As a worship leader, I was very happy to see this book become available!  This book was a major help to me during Christmas, when I was asked to speak about my favorite Christmas Carol.  Not only was I able to give the song in it’s original format, I also gave the story of how the song came to be, what the author was thinking and going through when he wrote it, etc.  This book covers quite a bit of songs, each having the sheet music (looks the same as a hymn sheet) preceding the story/thoughts about the song.  I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to gain further knowledge about why songs were written, and what they mean to the original authors.



Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.


Book Review: Living Close to God (When You’re Not Good At It)

I recently read through this short, to the point, and very practical book in a few sittings.  While I did not particularly enjoy it, it was very good to the person who is “spiritually frustrated” and needing more in their devotional and prayer times.  Gene Edwards is first to point out that he is “spiritually handicapped”, and had problems when trying to pray; he would often get distracted and run out of words to say.  This book has lots of little nuggets of knowledge for the individual that is lacking like Gene was, in their quiet time.

One of the great things about this book is the super short chapters.  It was an easy read, and the short chapters always left me wanting to read “just one more” before I quit.  This book definitely isn’t one that you’ll read and just sit on the shelf for years…you’ll want to meditate upon it, and apply the practices in your life.

I would recommend this book to anyone that is needing to develop their quiet time with God, it even has a study guide in the back of the book.  My rating: 3/5 stars



*I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review*

Right From the Heart

Right From the Heart; A 365 Devotional by Bryant Wright

Format: Print

musicmanmike’s rating: 5/5 stars

I was recently award the privilege to read and review Right From the Heart by Bryant Wright.  Upon opening the package, I was pleasantly surprised at the book that I had received.  It’s a hard cover book, with nice impression-type markings on the covers.  It’s very nice and durable.  Even the inside of the book is decorated with the same type drawings are the outside.  Each page is nicely laid out, with a scripture at the very beginning, before the devotion.  Each day has a title, and some titles have Part I and Part II.

Upon reading some of the devotionals in this book, I was even more surprised at the content that Wright was able to cram into a one page devotional.  The book is divided into 365 daily devotions, with a devotion for each corresponding date.  They were simple, to the point, and usually enough to get your “thinker” going.  I might have preferred a little longer devotions, but most people will find that the length of the devotions will fit nicely into the day.

Overall, this would be a great book to devour the 5 minute breaks during the day.  When you go to buy one, be sure and pick up two, so you can give one away.  It would make a very nice gift book.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255  : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

God’s Love Letters To You: A 40-Day Devotional Experience

God’s Love Letters To You: A 40-Day Devotional Experience By Dr. Larry Crabb

Format: E-Book

musicmanmike’s rating: 3.5/5 stars

I was recently given the opportunity to read ‘God’s Love Letters to You: A 40-Day Devotional Experience’, and mostly enjoyed the short and sweet daily readings.  The book takes 40 of the books of the Bible (20 OT + 20 NT) and portrays them as love letters from God to us.  Overalll, Dr. Larry Crabb has a great writing style, very easy and comfortable to read.  Each devotion includes an opening scripture, a short devotional message, reflection questions, and a closing prayer.

Each devotional usually started out with “God Says:”, and continued to speak as I would imagine God would to any of us.  One of the things that at first made me a little precautious was the fact that the author quite frequently spoke (as God) in a first person voice.  I took it very carefully at first, making sure that nothing he said as God was going against what the Bible says about Him.  It definitely took some getting used to, but eventually, I became accustomed to the overall tone and setting of the devotions.  I felt that the daily  readings were sometimes too short (sometimes only taking a few minutes to read), but were very useful in my everyday walk with God.

Overall, the devotional book was great.  Looking back, the narrative tone of God, while at first a little strange, made the book seem more personal.  It has and will help me in my daily walk with the Lord.  I’d recommend reading it if you are needing some encouragement, it feels that God is speaking right to you.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the
publisher through the BookSneeze®.com <http://BookSneeze®.com> book review
bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I
have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal
Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <>
: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in