What will they think of next?

Idea BulbRemeber those days of taking notes in a classroom?  You would hurridly jot down some notes as you’re trying to keep up with the proffesor that talked 90mph.  After class, you’d go and look over those notes and wonder what you had written.  If I had taken notes in school, this is what would’ve probably happened to me.  My handwriting is terrible…but that’s another blog post.

Enter Livescribe Smart Pens.  This product is absolutely phenomenal.  I only wish that they had came out with this while I was taking Physics II.  This pen records everything that you write and when you wrote it.  You can tap the words that you’ve written and it plays back the audio that it recorded at the time that you wrote the words.  Confused?  Here’s a 7:00 minute demo video.


How flippin’ sweet is that?  This thing would have saved me a lifetime of wondering what the chicken scratch on the page was.  The actual prices from Livescribe are as follows:  1GB pen – $149.95,  2GB – $199.95.  That’s a cheap way to understand what you were writing, and even translate the English words into Spanish for that terrible Spanish exam.   For more info, head to www.livescribe.com

Posted on March 28, 2009, in Miscellaneous. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Wow! That is absolutely impressive! I am amazed at technology today.

  2. Jeremy Winterscheid

    I am speechless!! What will they think of next!?

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